Answer—" It afterwards discriminates the difference Roololi letterlo between Spirit and Nature." - Descrimina. showo to the soul tes' Vișinaști' here stands for 'bringing its distinction about the construction of clause ' Antarum from Matter
Visinasti'--' discriminates the difference'; and is similar to that of Odanpākam pacati * (cooks the cooking of rice); and bringing about' in this context stands for showing' or 'expressing'. The objector retorts: “ The difference between Spirit
and Nature being thus, according to yourThe difference being caused, will sell, something that is produced, it must have end and thus an end in time ; and hence the Isolation or would emancipation cease with it Emancipation brought about by that differ.
ience would also be transitory." The answer to this is contained in the word 'dis
criminates"; the meaning is that the idea that Reply--the dif- 'I am one thing and Nature with its evolutes ference is perma. nent. Buddhi only is different thing is always there. serving to expose What the Will does is to make known this it to the soul's view
already existing difference, which through
non-discrimination, has appeared to be nonexistent; the Will does not produce the difference, whereby it would be transitory. This shows that Emancipation (Isolation) is the end or purpose of the Spirit.
Subtile--the said difference is' subtile i. e., 'hard to perceive.'
The organs having been described, the author next describes the specific as well as non-specific (objects):
* Višinasti itself has been explained as "expresses the dif. ference", then the montion of Antaram would seem superfluous. But it is not so; it helps to intensify the meaning of the sentence.