context that leaving aside the paths of mere knowledge or action, Sāmkhya lays down a third kind of path, viz., a combination of knowledge and action. S'āntı, 320, 38—40. In this connection, vide my artıcle, P. O. C., Lahore, 11, 1027 f ).
In the dialogue between Janaka and Sulabhā, the latter uses the word Sāmkhya in the sense of a particular kind of a sentence , -"ATERI AJTETTÁT ETT Pariz: Agİlha: 1 qozari. जातानि वाक्यमित्युच्यते नृप ॥ दोषाणां च गुणानां च प्रमाणं प्रविभागत.. Place T927 AT FRENCITTATA II" (S'ānti. 320, 79 and 82 ). But at one place in the Mhh., thirty qualities of a body have been metioned. This classification of qualities is not met with in the Sāmkhya philosophy e. g., (1) S'abda, (2) Spars'a, (3) Rasa, (4) Rūpu, (5) Gandha, (6-10) the five senses, (11) Manas, (12) Buddhi, (13) Sattra, (14) Aham-kartā, (15) Sūmagrya. (16) Sanghāta, (17) Prakrti, (18) Vyakti, (19) Drandvayoga. (20) Kūla, (21-25) the five gross elements, (26) Sadbhūvayoga, (27) Asadbhāvayoga, (28) Vidhi, (29) S'ukra and (30) Bala (Santı 320, 97-112 ). So it has been said "fazia
चवं हि गुणाः संख्यानतः स्मृताः । समग्रा यत्र वर्तन्ते तच्छरीरमिति स्मृतम् ॥" (ibid, 112). There, the eight-fold varieties of Prakrti and sixteen varities of nodifications have been described in the 310th chapter of the same parvan. Again, the nine kinds of creation mentioned there are not found in Sāmkhya books. They are as given below :
(1) The creation of mahat from avyakta, (2) from mahat there is the creation of ahamkāra, (3) from the latter of manas, (4) from it, that of the five gross elements, (5) from these, that of five attributes, (6) from these, that of five senses. (7) from these, that of " connected with the senses ( aindriyaka )," (8) from this, that of the upper and oblique varieties and (9) from the oblique, there is the creation of the lower variety. Thus, there is mutual discrepancy in the doctrines expounded in the Mbh. The categorios taught by Pancas'ikha in S'ānti. 219, are nowhere obtained in the