The author replies--" It is a sense-organ'. Why?
"Because it has properties common to senseReply-It is a organs." The property meant is that consistsense in as much as it is an immediate ing in its having for its constituent cause. effect of the prin- the 'l-principle' abounding in the Sattvaciple of Egoism,
m, attribute, and not in its being a characteristic as effected by a Goodness which is of Indra (Spirit): for this latter property the difinition of
I belongs to the Will and the 'l-principle also; a Sense
and as such these two also would have to be classed among 'sense-organs'. Thus then “ being the characteristic of the Spirit" should be regarded only as an explanation of the derivation of the term Indriya; it cannot be said to form its connotation. (157) Question—“How can the eleven sense-organs
proceed out of the single entity in the shape Whence the Multi- of the 'l-principle' abounding in the "Sattvafarious effects from Egoism
s attribute?" Answer: "Its multifariousness
as well as its diverse external forms are due to the particular modifications of the Attributes"-The diversity in the products is due to the diversity of auxiliaries in the shape of the 'Unseen Force' which brings about the experiences due to the perception of sound and other objects of sense; and the ‘Unseen Force' also is only a 'modification of the Attributes.
(158) The diverse external forms' has been added by way of illustration, the sense being that just as the diverse external forms, so the multifariousness also is due to the modification of the Attributes.
(159) Having thus described the forms of she eleven sense-organs, the specific functions of the first ten are next described.