since a substance cannot be absolved of something that forms its constituting element. It is only when one is distinct from the Great Principle etc., and does not consist in pleasure, pain and delusion, that the said Isolation can be possible. Thus, the conclusion is that in as much as there is a tendency in all the scriptures and among all intelligent persons towards ‘Isolation', there must be something beyond ( pleasure, etc., and hence ) the Great Principle and the rest, ---and this is the Spirit.
(126) Having thus proved the existence of the Spirit, the author next raises the question—Is this Spirit one* ( manifesting itself ) in all bodies, or many, being different in each body? And in reply he lays down the theory of the plurality of Spirits.
Karika XVIII (1) Because there is definite adjustment of birth,
death, and the organs, (2) because there Plurality of is non-simultaneity of activity and (3) be. Spirits-reasons
cause there is diversity due to the three Attributes—the plurality of Spirits is established. (127) “Because etc."--The plurality of Spirits is
established, -why? "Because there is From allotment of definite adjustment of birth, death and the birth, death and the organs
a organs. The Birth of the Spirit consists
in its connection with a new set of body, sense-organs, mind, 'l.principle'. Great Principle and feeling** ( Vedanā )-all these latter forming a composite
* As the Vedāntin asserts.
** " Vedanā might be taken severally with 'body' etc., In that case the passage would be translated thus: 'bodily' sensuous, mental egoistic and intellectual cognitions ; but the translation given above is preferable, for certainly there can be no fognition through body etc., taken singly. No cognition is possible in the body alone without the aid of ( the sense organs ) mind etc., and so on with the rest.