must be
( subjective ), "uncommon (specific) ", " sentient", and "not productive". Because 'being with three Attributes' and other properties are always accompanied by that of 'being composite', which latter being absent in the Spirit, must lead to the inference of the absense of the three Attributes, &c., just as when a certain individual is not a ' Brāhmaṇa; he cannot be a ‘katha' (a special class of Brāhmaṇas). Hence when he laid down that "there must be absence of the three Attributes etc.," he means that there must be something which is not composite, and this is the Spirit. . (122) For the following reason also there must be a
Spirit apart from Matter: "Because there must Because there be control"; that is to say, because the superintendences objects constituted by the three Attributes
are such as 'are always controlled ';--as a matter of fact it is found that everything consisting in pleasure, pain and delusion, (1. e. in the three Attributes) is controlled by something else—c. g., the chariot by the charioteer; and the Great Principle and the rest have been proved to 'consist in pleasure, pain and delusion"; therefore, they must have a 'controller'—and this controller' must be beyond* the three Attributes and independent;--and this is the Spirit. (123) Again there must be the Spirit “because there
. must be some one to experience". The term Because there someone to experience' indicates the must be one to objects of experience in the shape of pleasure
and pain. The objects of experience are pleasure and pain, which are felt by everyone as agreeable and disagreeable respectively. That is to say, there must
* Otherwise the Controller also will stand in need of another, for the presence of the Attributes in the former will necessarily lead to that of pleasure, &c. which again will necessitate its control by something beyond itself. And so we shall be landed in a regressus ad infinitum.