Great Principle and the rest, have an Unmanifested Entity for their cause (i. e., they have a cause in which they exist in their unmanifested state),-because, they are finite, -like the jar and other things:--the jar and other things are found to have, for their cause, clay and other things, (in which inhere) the unmanifested ( state of the effects ); we have already shown that the cause is that wherein the effect already exists in the unmanifested state. Under these circumstances, the cause of the Great Principle must be that highest Uamanifest which must be the final cause, for there is no ground for postulating a further Unmanifested Reality.* (115) For the following reason also the specific objects
in question must have causes wherein they lie Fourth proof, unmanifested:- Because of homogeneity":"Because of homogeneity" 'Homogeneity' consists in the similarity of
the different objects. The Great Principle and the rest-manifesting themselves as 'volition' and the rest-are found to be 'homogeneous' in the sense that they consist in Pleasure Pain and Delusion. And whatever is invariably connected with a certain form must have, for its cause (wherein it inheres), something which has that form for its constituent element. Thus it becomes established that of the specific objects, the Unmanifested (Nature) is the cause.**
Having proved the existence of the Unmanifest, the author next states the manner of its operation:
* Because the Unmanifested Nature (the cause of the Great Principle) 18 not finite, as its effects, 'l.principle' and the rest are. And further, because, by so doing we would have to postulate causes ad infinitum.
** Thus we have in the present case: The Great Principle and the rest are invariably connected, with Pleasure, Pain and Delusion; and as such, must have, for their cause, Nature wherein they all Re unmani. fested prior to their Evolution; and this Nature has, for its constituent elements, the three Attributes which respectively consist in Pleasure. Pain and Delusion.