already existing limbs of the Tortoise emerging out of its body, become distinguished from it--'this is the Body of the Tortoise and these are its limbs' and on again entering the body, they become unmanisest, hidden; similarly, the already existing products, in the shape of the Jar or the Crown, on emerging out of the cause, in the shape of the Clay or the Gold, come to be distinguished from this cause;—similarly, the already existing products in the shape of the Earth and other subtances, emerging out of their cause in the shape of the Primary Elements (Tanmatras ) become distinguished from them ; the already existing Primary Elements on emer. ging out of their cause, the 'I-principle', come to be disting. uished from it; the already existing 'l-principle', emerging from its cause, the Great Principle, becomes distinguished from it; and lastly, the already existing Great Principle, emerging from its cause, the Highest Unmanifest ( Nature), becomes distinguished from it. This distinguishing' or separation from the final cause, the Highest Unmanifest, of the whole world of effects-related to it either mediately ( as with Earth, etc.) or immediately ( as with Great Principle ) -is what is meant by the " distinction between the cause and its product". Similarly, at counter-evolution or dissolution, the product, in the shape of the Jar or the Crown, merges into its cause, in the shape of the Clay or the Gold, and thereby disappears. i. e., becomes Unmanifest ; which means that it is a form of the cause itself which becomes unmanifest, so far as the particular product is concerned. Thus also when the Earth and the other substances merge into the Primary Elements, they render these latter 'unmanifest' in so far as the forms of those substances themselves are concerned ;-similarly, when the Primary Elments merge into the I-principle, they render these latter unmanifest' in so far as their own form concerned; - when the l.principle merges into the Great Principle, it renders the latter unmanifest in so far as its own form is