to be the constituent cause of the other, e.g., in the case of the Jar and the Cloth; as between the Cloth and the Yarns, however, the Yarns are the constituent cause of the Cloth ;hence it follows that the two are not different.-(c) For the following reason also, there is no difference between the Cloth and Yarns : because there is no conjunction between them and because there is no separation between them ;'conjunction' is found 10 take place in objects different from one another, as between the well and the bucket; the same with regard to separation', as between the Himavān and the Vindhya;-in the case of the Cloth and the Yarns, however, there is neither conjunction' nor separation', - hence it follows that they are not different.-(d) For the following reason too, the Cloth and the Yarns are not different things: because the Cloth does not contain in itself any product which makes its weight different from the weight of the Yarns constituting it,-as a matter of fact, an object differing in essence from another always has a weight different from that of the latter-e.g., the lowering of the balance caused by a bracelet weighing two palas is more than that caused by the bracelet weighing a single pala ;—but we find no such difference between the effect of the weight of the Cloth and that of the weight of the Yarns constituting it;-hence the Cloth is not different from the Yarns. These are the proofs afforded by a process of negative inference-[ Avitānumāna—see, Karika V] establishing the non-difference (of the Cloth and the Yarns in particular, and of cause and effect in general).
(71) The non-difference between the cloth and the yarns having been thus established, it follows that the cloth is only the yarns arranged in a particular shape and that the two do not differ from each other in essence. Nor can the two be proved to be entirely different by such arguments as -(a) "If the cause and effect were not different, it would involve self-contradictory actions [ that is, when the cloth' is.