cause lasts only till the attainment of discriminative knowledge. This will be explained later on ( under Kārikā LXVI). (15) The literal meaning of the words of the Kārikā is
. as follows: The means of removing pain, Literal meaning of the Karikh consisting in the direct discriminative know
ledge of the Spirit as apart from Matter, is contrary to the Vedic means, and hence is better. The Vedic remedy is good inasmuch as it is authorised by the Veda and as such capable of removing pain to a certain extent; the discriminative knowledge of the Spirit as distinct from Maiter is also good; and of these two, the latter is better, superior. (16) Question :-“Whence does such discriminative
knowledge arise ? Source of discri- Answer-From the right cognition of minative know the Manifested, the Unmakifested and the ledge
Cogniser. Cognition of the Manifested precedes that of its cause, the Unmanifested; and from the fact of both of these (Manifested and Unmanifested ) being for another's purpose, we infer the existence of the Spirit. Thus we find that these three are mentioned in the order of precedence of the cognition thereof. The upshot of the whole then is this : The knowledge of the distinction of Spirit from Matter arises from right cognition-consisting in meditation and contemplation uninterruptedly and patiently carried on for a long time, of the Manifested, etc., the character of these latter having been previously learnt from the Veda, the Smrtis and the Itihāsas, and duly strengthened by scientific reasoning. This will be explained in detail later on in Kärıkā LXIV. (17.) Having thus established the fact of the under
.. taking of scientific enquiry being useful for Fourfold division the of categories,
on the enquirer, the author, with a view to
commence the work, sets down, in brief, the import of the system, in order to focus the attention of the enquirer.