Thus Vorddhemâna becoming a great hero of bloodless alter of selfdenial and sacrifice, never thought it proper to allow bloodshed, because Bon-harming, Ahımsā, is the very first principle of higher life and Aryan culturc. Hero of battlefield though a hero is be, but of lowest order. His bravery is commendable in syorld only when it is not agreessive. Chandragupta, Asoka, Khārvela, Rapivarmā, Amoghavarsı, Kumārapäla and many other renowned kings of India were followers of Mahāvīra and they fought battles.** Yet they lived only like the Lord, to glorify the principle of Ahimsā. Great general Chamunda Räga?' fought no less than 84 battles for his king and country, yet he was ever vigilant of Ahims yow He was 80 concentrated and serene in his thought that be always observed Jain yows even on battlefield and composed "Trisastı-Salaka-Purusa-Caritra", which narrates the pious deeds of Tirthankaras and other great personages, during the disturbed moments of warfare. Perhaps for a modern mind this kind of heroism may not be comprehensible, but it is esgential for freedom and prosperity of mapkind, because it guarantees secunty, peace and fearlessness to every living being. It requires no code, but mere change of heart. M. Gandhi was a living model of it.
Mahāvira Varddhamāga set an example of highest and noblest type of heroism and 50 people remembered Him by the name Mahāyira. His example exhorts us to love and serve all and to live a noble life of Aryan Ahimsa and help others in living to it. Likewise man should not fear to face the death and conquer its pain and agony. Death 18 only a passport to change the sojourn of a place to another region and it marks a stage in the progress of soul. For the development of soul-realisation the aspirant have to remain awake to real nature of substances while struggling with the agony of Death. Hence he should perform Sallekhanā, which is called Pandita-marana (wise death ). As such nobody should be afraid of death. Sallekhanā vow of Mahavira teaches us to die 11 a befitting manner for the right cause through the right way. Thousands of votaries have observed it and Virgals (epitapbs of heroes ) are set in their sacred memory. Varddhamāna conquered Death and attained to Nirvana, never to return in worldly life of bondage. Great Conqueror He was, so rightly He was named Mahavira. His great name inspires the depotec and he recites it with faith and joy every moment in the prescribed formula with the assurance af success :
"Om namo Bhagavao arabao 1 sijjhau me bhagavai Mabāvijā! Vire, Mahavire, Senavire Vaddhamana Vire, Jayante aparājie, Syābā 1 "
24. K P. JAIN, Some Historical Jaina Kuage and Heroes, pp 11–17. 25. Ibid, p 96-100 26. C. R. Jäin, Sannyasa-Dharma, pp. 118-132