भ० महावीर स्मृति प्रथ
of violence. Winning; he boasteth not; he will not triumph; he show's go arrogance. He wins because he cannot chaoge ; after his victory he will not be overbearing.
"Weapons are instruments of ill omen, hateful to all creatures. Therefore he who has Tao will have nothing to do with them." (Lao-Tsu: Tao Te Ching)
He went even so far as to say :- "The violent and stiffnecked die not by a natural death."
"The best soldiers are not warlike , the best fighters do not lose their temper The greatest conquerors are those who overcome their enemies without strife" (Lao-Tsu. Tao Te Ching.)
Another great Chinese saint who preached the same gospel of Abimsā or Non-violence as Lao-Tsu and of Jen or Love as Confucius and Mencius but 10 a different way from them all, was Mo-Tsu.
Mo-Tsu liged a little later than Lao-Tsu and Confucrous but earlier than Mencius He was bota about 500 B.C. The mode of his life, his ideals and works are very similar to that of the Ancient Indian Buddhist Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha and that of Gandhiji. I therefore have sometimes called Mo-Tsu the ancient Mahātma of China and Gandhiji, the modern Mo-Tsu of India, Mencius described him by saying: "If there is benefit for the world, he will do it even by grinding away his body from crown to heel" !
Mo-Tsu preached the Gospel of Non-Violence and opposed war not only by words but also by action Once when he heard of the news that the Chin State was to attack the Sung State, he immediately went from his native state Lu, walked for ten days and ten pights, to see the king of Chin and persuadx ed him to stop the aggression, and he succeeded in his effort.
According to Mo-Tsu's philosophy, all people should only love one another, should not fight and hurt any body; this is the will of Heaven. He said -
"Heaven ishes people to love and benefit each other, and does not want people to hate and hurt each other. Why? Because He loves all and benefits all"
"How do we knof that Heaven loves all and benefits ail? Because He possesses all and feeds all."
"Hos to folloss the will and wish of Heaven? That is to love all people under Heaven" (Works of Mo-Tsu )
He thought that Non-Louing is the only cause of chaos and calamities and attacking a country and billing people are the greatest sins in the world. Thus he said, -