4 Heritage 1
The cosmic struggle is a perpetual fight between téason and un-reasodi, between light and darkness, between love and bate But the sporld conscience is weakened. To-day all the men of Occidental birth have only one question. How could ye save us? This world 18 far from liberty from frar-Spengler's the German philosopher's warning. "Decline of the West" is realizing itself But there was one man in our century, who listened to the interior voices of mankind, who say the best ralues of all the religions and of the beliefs, who heard the prophets of his own country and who, at the same time, listened to the Gospel of the Mountaja And he was a prophet himself :
"I believe in non-violence. If I believe in this, there is no enemy. This takes me into realms infinitely higher than the world You may not harbour an uncharitable thought, even in connection with one who may consider himself to be your enemy The one who follows this doctripe has no place for an enemy I have no enemy. The only virtue I want to claim is Truth and Non-violence. I lay no claim to super-human powers I want none I hear the same corrupt flesh that the weakest of my fellow-beings wears and I am therefore as liable to err as any."
Non-violence is a central value of humanity and its source is the lovebarn Truth, that truth called by Buddha's pupils " Aryasacca" - Noble Truth. We Europeans laçe to see that certain qualities of men and womenpity, mercy, humility are progressively weakened in the atmosphere of our men-murdering world
The world, and especially, the Vestern part of our Earth is facing a moral crisis graver, perhaps, than the pbysical damages of the tro, sorld Wars The old question of the Heraclean Fate is Evil or Lucky Greed, hatred, self-interest or real greatness in body, mind, and spirit! We can lead men to the better path-Gandhiji's appeal to Ahimsa and Satya-to nonviolence and truth could change our spiritual world and is capable, preaching and pactising fearlessness and understanding, leading the struggle against the strongholds of greed and evil. Truth and Non-violence are highest qualítics ne can possess-Gandhiji's cail belongs to a man who redeems the wholc human race May be his body reduced to ashes, which are scattered in the cternal waters of India's holy streams-his two salues Truth-Satya and Non-jolence-Ahimsa ( and I would add the third-Lorel-hat is the eternal source of all ) will penctrate far into space and time and inspire countless generations and point at the way to salvation for a guideless world. The salvation, thich Mahīvira zrugit to attain by Rigirt Belief, Right &non ledge and Right conduct Remember thic precepts of Truth and Abims and turn them into practice, you will be on the night say of Salsation,
"Clerer talling till not work salvation, how should philosophical instruction do it' Fools, though sinhing loser and losses through their sins, bclicies themselses to be wise man 1