:llc-20 - inda.com meclision, liriner ad culture." "Jains should inssite: 447 , .,i rrors?:ch 4 ould bc in cardial harmony with
*******tamen! To trzhme nf 111014m. Jain Lai grew *0*erre: recensing of treneric lic of the Iriste. " Rcally lnu is #5 031). EN O "oc lift of llit community. It is a cry sure
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#sisters are not ori cultural Ines vleich govern the corporate er deres ni
Paris time full el conflict of nucioril! The commentators 57 Smith 17974onyl der ric proposition 14 laid down by the man 1 1 1: Ienet i 4+16 lie found in any rest of llindu Law.
Tilos tip pr ! Ipine delicis into consideration it was recently di! tren ini... I'ndcresc circumstances it is but cquit. ible in itapaus ochranndal Il yould be unnecec4783 to give here the Ark of the sain Cic. freil111 shox the Irral desabilities of the Jains under the teen pics from the aliouc remarl, it las become abun. dinils et cuiroflow:( IT) of clinu of Jains relating 10 m ins maron, to critance, parution, stridlan, funeral and such 6:7 cercomunica cntirely drier from Smrilis and Stulis shich serc sritten hy the Bras minu l far, Dalminis anly. Frams do not at all recognise the spitrul ruscrisrity of tic Brimine, whin in their own works remarked Halife lame sic no: ilindus, luc shou in the desccts of Jainism in Testit publiri.cd lys An indarum scrics l'oon, it is thus semarked -
पिट्टण तपश नाति, जातिविश्व चटिकम् ।
फणस्य न तथा पूजा अहंतां ध्यानमुत्तमम् । In the nest smrtit en flown that the Jains cannot therefore be the follorcra of Hindurm. In another Brahman.cal work it is said
न तर्पण देवपितृद्विजानाम् । धर्मे कथं पुत्र दिगवरानाम् ।। As the Jains do not chec O to God, parents, and Brahmins as they do not beliesc neither in the Vedas nor in Srutis and Smritis, how dare you believe such a Juniem son" The cvidcdcc of thesc Brahmanical works show that the Jains arc not llindus and verc'never treated as such. Jains do not believe the sons conser spiritual benefit on the father. Adoptions by the Jains are purely secular ( 20 Bombay 516). Tlcy also regard the birth of a son ag having no effect on the futurc state of the progenitor, and consequently adoption among them is purely tempomal arrangement and has no spiritual object. The son according to Jain Law is powerless to protect his father from hell. Tkc son is helpless to alter or obstruct the course of destiny of his father designed by his own Karmas. Jains do not believe the Brahmanical altra