all the divinities. The Kumbha, therefore, is co-evel with the Highest Divinities we can conceive of and bas an origin as sacred and ancient as the amratatoa of the Gods in Hindu mythology. It scems, a distinct borrowing from Brahmanism and is another of clear signs of dependance on the Hindu systera of tbought and ideology. (?)
The next symbol, fifth in the list, coming under the same group is the Stivalsa symbol. It is a geometrical pattem of a four petalled flower, the petals being arranged at right angles. The choice for a flower is very significant here. The purity and whiteness of a flower is designed to represent the pure knowledge, the Kepala Frana of the Lord which he holds in his heart within,27 This Srivatsa it may be noted here is common to Vaisnava and Jaina icons where in the former it is a symbol of Visnuite images. The Srivatsa is a lugar symbol according to a Brahmanıcal Tradition. The Srivatsa symbol as the ornamental mark representing gem on the breast of Vişnu is said, in Brahmanical conception, to stand for the Moon while the Kaustubha stands for the Sun 29
A pair of fish is the next to come in the list under consideration. The insignia of the Fish farmed the distinctive characteristic of the Minas of the Mohenjo Daro peoples. Whether as one of the sight forms of Siva, the Fish was one of the eight constellations of the Mahenjodrro Zodzac, Iudeed, one of the most popular forms of God with the Mahenjo-daro peoples was the fish.29
Deva-dänava samvāda mathyamâne mahodadhan / Utpanto sigpaha-kurabham Vanusā vidhrkarahil tat to'yc garyadevāh Syuh sarvadeva samăstritā /. tvayi tästhantı bhūtāns tvayi prapāh pratisthitah | Śivatvam ca gavāfstyam vianutyamca prajāpatab! Adityadih grabab sarve višyg devāh sapıtshāhil tvaya tisthanta kalasa yatah Lāmaphalapradah / tvar prasīdât imani yajiam kartutisbo jalodbhava li tvadātokanmâtscoa bhulti-muktıp balādı mahat! sappidhyam kurv me kumbha prasaano bhaya saryada ]]
ms in author's own collection p 7.' 27. Cf. Antah parama judoam yadbbāti Jinädbinátha Brda yasya' tacchrivatsa vpājāt prakatıbbūtam bahir vande"
Ācāradinakara loc, cit 28. Varah-Purina ch 31, 16--( Ed. P. Tatharatna)
Maheyambhutamāta te kantha tistaatu saryada'
Srivatsa-kaustubhanceman candrādityacchaleaa ha" 29. Marshall, Sir Joha, Makenjo-daro inscription No 214 "The Supreme Being of the Fish Gad ( 18 ) in frone".