भ० महावीर-स्मृति ग्रंथ।
lesyås, at the six kinds of bodies and the six regular functions as eating, vill not be subject to transmigration He who always exerts himself with regard, to the seven rules of accepting alms and the seven causes of danger to others, will not be subject to transmigration He who always exerts himself with regard to the eight objects of pride and the ten-fold law of the monks, will not be subject to transmigracion The erght objects of pride are, caste, famıly beauty, etc 22
By teaching of true knowledge by the avoidance of ignorance and delusion, and by the destruction of love and hatred one arrives at deliverance which is nothing but bliss
The lesyās are named in the following order black, blue, grey, red, yellow and white They are different conditions produced in the soul by the influence of different karna The Buddhist idea of mental contamination by the influx of impurities from outside seems to have some bearing on the Jain doctrine of six leśyās
JR A S., Ini, no I p 8).(B C Law, Principles of Jainism)
The correct behaviour of monks consists in the followingāvašyrkā-it 15 required when a monk leaves the room on an urgent business; naised hikt or asking permission to enter a place, apricchana or asking the superiors permission for what he is to do himself, pratıpricchanā or asking permi88100 for what somebody else is to do, chandanā or placing at the disposal of other monks the things one has got, Icchakara or carrying out one's owo 19tention; mithyäkära or blaming oneself for sins committed, tathākára of assenting to make a promise abhyutthana or rising up from one's own seat as a mark of respect, and upasampad or placing oneself under another
teacher 23
A worthy Jain monk is to observe rules stricity like a Buddhist monk. He should have no intercourse with Fomen He should never keep comDany with the wicked. He should not say that this 19 meritorious and this is not meritorious He should not cherish vanity and make his monkhood ? means of sustenance He should be free from anger, pride, deceit aadgreed. He should be calm and happy. He should abstain himself from life. Blaughter and from five cardinal sins. He should guard bimself with regard to thoughts, Fords and acts. These are some of the rules but there are many more." The Jain rules of conduct and decorum, agreeing in-their
21. Lesya 18 said to be that by means of which the soul is ticted with merit and demerit. It arises from yoga or kasayo.
22 Cf. Sūtrakttānga, II 2.17. 23 Vitarādh; ayana, XXVI 24. For details, de FRAS, Vol XIII, No. 1, pp. 13 ff.