H0 Metete-male-sai
doctrine of nine terms, e. g., jida, ajiva, bandha, punya, pápa, atrest, samara, karnaksaya and mokşa"The doctrine of Hayas is just what, is called syadoāda. The nayas are no other than the seven modes of syddedda, Syädrada consists of seven yiew-points from which assertions are made' a to truth According to this doctrine there are seven forms of metaphysical propositions and all contain the word syât, e g, syād aste sardani, fjäd prästz sarvan. Syāt really means 'may be' and it is explained as katramat (somehow ) " The syād mode was the real way of escape from the position of the dogmatist and that of the sceptic from both of which Mahāvīra recoiled.
Kriyavada 18 nothing but Karma ada or the doctrine of action Buddhism also was promulgated as a form of krryäväda or karmavāda . Jainism kriyūvāda is sharply distinguisbed from akrivāvāda (doctrine non-action), aj fänavada (scepticism) and vinayavida (formalism) . order to arrive at a correct understanding of the doctrinal significance kriyāvāda sa Jainism it is necessary not only to see how it has been disa tinguished from akryäväda, ajfiänavada and vinayavāda but also from other types of krtyāvāda Vinayasada is the same as silabbataparāmāsa oft Buddhists It 18 a vies of those who maintain that the purity of onesel may be reached through the observance of certain moral precepts or keeping certain vows as prescribed. The upholders of Vinayavāda assert that the goal of religious life 18 realised by conformation to the rules of disco pline 15 The painful condition of the self is brought about by one's ow action Pleasure and pain are brought about by one's own action Individu alls a man is born, individually be dies, individualiy he fails from this state of existence and individually he rises His passions, conscsousness, intellcc perceptions and impressions belong to the individual exclusively " All ing beings one their present form of existence to their own karma. The sinners cannot annihilate works by new works, the dous annihilate Inch works by abstention from works" Pleasant things are not produced from picasant things
f the
Piza and ajita comprehead the world of existence as Lowo and cxpericaced. The category of jiua denotes the biological and psychologie cal aspects of knya. Substance (debba) atenbute (guna) field of action Whettatime (hala), causal relation (paryāya, Pali paccaja; Pranih pajjara), division (podesa) and transformation (Parinama) are the cate
12. Uttaradhyayana Sutra, XXVIII, 14 13. Ilastings, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, Vol 7,2 468 14. Sútrakytarga, 1, 12 21. 15. Ibid, 1, 124 16 Angultara Nikāya, III, p 440. 17 Sülrakstājiga, 11, 1 41. I), Jbid, 1, 12.15