भ० महावीर-स्मृति-ग्रंथ।
pace which was much too severe. The horse finished the second race in a state of Collapse, and was bleeding from its nostrils.
This form of treatment to animals is hailed as sport with no feeling of pity for the sufferer. In circuses too one sees very often, by the very aspects of the animals, that their lot is unbappy, and that in order to compel them to perform in public, much that to say the Icast is unkind goes on 1 the way of" training" and " taming " Of late I have been gladdened to see that in England there has been a great outcry against performing animals berog caused to suffer so much It is to be hoped that in the near future these degrading exhibitions of cruelty will cease to exist. Quite recently I saw an advertisement in a newspaper which made me shudder. It was an appeal for rats and large fogs for the purpose of vivisection. One can only imagine the awful things that transpire bebind the name of vivisection course it is claimed that these things are necessary, that the experiments made are for the benefit of mankind Here again I am glad to report on the excellent work done by various bodies of ladies and gentlemen for the abolition of these horrible atrocities.
They are a disgrace to the name of civilization and to the medical pro fession. A lot of cruelty takes place through sheer thoughtlessness Un the other hand much of it is pre-meditated. It has been proved again and again that vivisection is quite unnecessary, and therefore the peso inflicted on the animals 18 needless The real saina will read of these horrors with great sorrot and concern. I do trust that this writing will meet the eyes ol some, One who has not yet experienced what Jainisim stands for and that the support of any of the casea I have enumerated could never have any support from anyone under the teachings of Jainism under any circumstance,
To partake w any way 18 any of these things would mean that the light of the soul bad been dimmed almost to extinction. I have seen the natural love of the lower creatures. Ia Central Africa my companions were a gazelle, tipo turkeys, and two flamingos! A strange company indeed--but one, a true Jain will understand Many times I walked with the gazelle to the forest verge to allow this graceful creature to take to its rative jungle. The creature (which I had rescued from some boys who were taking it to their village to be killed and eaten ) invariably returned with me to my little shack.
"Live and let live" As a child my mother often spoke of this lovely adage. I have always been a lover of the lower animals. And the teachings of Abirusa, as practised by myself escludes the ill-treatment of any creature Here I am all beings. Regard me as your friend. .