भ० महावीर-स्मृति ग्रंथ।
combiced with the constellation Ootharathan, which is Burmese for the 21st lunar mansion Uttarāsādba, in the 96th year of that era, on which day Buddha departed from home and went into the solitude® =Monday the 18th of June 553 B.C.
(3) Wednesday the fullmoon day of Katson - Vaisakha, combined with the constellation Withaka =Vabākha, in the 103rd year of that era, when Buddha attained enlightenment=Wednesday the 3rd of April 546 B.C
(4) Tuesday the fullmoon day of Katson =-Vaišākla combined with the constellation Witbaka = Visākha, in its 148th year, when Buddhe attained Pan-Turpana= Tuesday the 15th of April 501 B, C
(5) and accordingly Sunday which was the 1st lunar day of the waxing moon of the month Tagoo i Burmese for the Indian month Caitra, on which the Eetzana era began o = Suoday the 17th of Feburary 648 B. C.
It is thus manifest that Mabāvīra departed his life within the 45 years that elapsed besween the year 546 B C when Buddha attained enlighten: ment, and the year 501 B C. when Buddha passed away.
In the following among perhaps several Java works we are told that the exact number of years that elasped between the Nirvana of Mahavira and the establishment of the Vikrama are of 57 B C. 18 470 era(1) In the Vucārs~-Śrers of Mērutunga Acārya
विक्कम रज्जारमा पुरओ सिरि चीर निव्वुई मणिया।
सुन्न मुणि वेय जुत्तो विक्रमकालाउ जिणकालो । 1.e. the Nirvana of Sri Mabävīra occurred sünya = 0, Mums = and 7 Veda = 4, i e 470 years " before the commencement of the Vikramga era. : (2) In the Pattával of the Tapā gaccha
__ श्री वीरात् ८४५ विक्रमात् ३७५ बलमीनगरी भगः।
6. Ibid. 1, pp 62-63, II, p. 72 Clearly the month here has been said to be July inasmuch as in later times Asādha (1n which month Buddha 18 positively known to have left home) usually synchronisea'mith July.
%. Ibid I,p 97, II, pp 72-73. 8 Ibid II, p. 69. 9. Ibid I,p 13
10. In order to arrive at the correct figure, the digits indicated by the natural objects, mentioned in the verse, will have to be reperaed According kothe rule मेकानां धामतो गति।।