जिसकी आत्मा में तेज नहीं है उसके शरीर में दीप्ति होना कैसे सम्भव है ?
- श्रीमद् जवाहराचार्य
With best Compliments from :
Jeetmull Jaichandlall (Madras) Private Limited
Manufacturers, Exporters & Importers of All Kinds of Wire & Wire Products
32, Nyaniappa Naicken Street, 2nd Floor, MADRAS-600 003 Tamil Nadu, India Phone: 564651, 564652, 564653 Grams: JAYJAYLAL Fax No. 044 565415
Our Associates
Amar Industrial Corporation
Regd. Dealers of
Tata Iron Steel Company Limited Steel Authority of India Limited Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited
18, Sembudoss Street, 1st Floor, MADRAS 600 001
Phone: 5223799, 5227587, 5228928
Grams CHOURARIA Fax: 044 565415
Branches at
2/13, B.V.K. Iyenger Road, Bangalore 53 Phone: 2262484 510, Giriraj, Sant Tukaram Road, Carnac Bunder, Bombay-9 Phone: 3446142
138, Rashtrapati Road, Secunderabad-3 Phone: 830040
Head Office
33, Brabourne Road, 5th Floor, Calcutta 700 001 Phone: 2427629, 2424361 Grams: CHOURARIA