From the details presented in the Second pait we get some very interesting as well as importnt informations. A few of them are noted below -
(1) Some Mss belong to quite a different category and do not come under the heads, they have been cnumerated, such as Navaratnaparikşā (295) which deals with Gemeology The opening & closing text as well as the colophon clearly mention that it is a Ralna sastra by Buddhabhatt. Similarly, Mihákvāmrlam ( 511 512) is the famous work on Polity by Somadeva Suri ( 10th cent. ). Trepanakryākośa ( 498, 499 ) S not a work on Lexicon. It deals with rituals and hence falls under Acarašasira. These observations are intended to impress upon the consultant of the catalogue that he should not by pass merely by looking over the caption alone but should see thoroughly the details given in the Second part of the catalogue which may reveal valuable informations for him
(2) Some of the MSS of Aptamimari sã contain Aplamimamsalnakrli of Vidyananda (455) Aolamima i sāprlli of Vasunandi ( 456 ) and Aplanimāmsábhâsya of Akalanka ( 457 ) These three famous commentaries are popularly known as Astaschasi Aştaśai and Devâgamavst's Though these works have once been published, yet these can be utilised for critical editions.
(3) In the colophon of some of the MSS the parential MSS have been mentioned and the name of the copyist, its date and place where they have been copied, have been given These informations are of manifold importance. For instance the information regarding parential Ms is very important if the editor feels necessary to consult the original Ms for his satisfaction of the readings of the text, he can get an opportunity for the same It is of particular importance of the Ms has been written into different scripts then that of the original one Many Sanskrit, Prakrit and Apabhramsa works are preserved on palm leaves in Kannada scripts When these are rendered into Devanägari scripts there are every possibili.y of slips, difference in readings and so on. It is not essential that the copyist should be well acquainted with all its languages and subject matter of cach Ms The difference of alphabets in different languages is obvious Thus the reference of parential Ms is of great importance (373)