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with a strong desire to accept the challenge of the age and started establishing independent MSS libraries. This continued during the first quarter of 20th century. In such Institution, Eclak Pannalal Sarasvati Bhavan at Vyar, Jhalara Patan and Ujjain, and Shri Jaina Siddhanta Bhawan at Arrah stand at the top. More significant part of these collections had been their availability to the scholars all over the world. Almost all the cmincnt Joinologist of the present century studing the MSS, have utilized the collection of Sri Jaina Siddhanta Bhawan. It had been my proud privilege and plcasure that I too have used Bhavan's MSS for almost all my Critical cditions of the works I edited
During last few decades catalogues of somc of the MSS collections, in Government as well as in private institutions, have been published Through these catalogues thc MSS have becomc known to the world of Scholars who may utilise them for thcir study.
In the series of the publications of catalogucs relating to Jainalogy, Jinaralnakośa by Velankar descrves special mention It is quite a different type of reference work relating to MSS Bharatiya Janapitha, Kashi published in Hindi in Devanagari script the Kannclaprantiya Tädapatriya Grantha Süchi in 1948 recording descriptions of 3538 Palm leaf MSS. The catalogues of the MSS of Rajasthan prepared by Dr. Kastoor Chand Kaslıwal and published in five volumes by Shri Digambar Jaina Atisaya Ksctra Shri Mahavirajı, Jaipnr also deserve mention. L. D Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad have published catalogue in several volumes. Among the publication of new catalogues mention may be made of Dilli Jina-Grantha-Ralnāvāli published hy Bharatiya Jaanpith, New Delhi and the catalogue of Nagaura Jaina Sastra-Bhandara published by Rajasthan University,
In the above range of catalogues, the present volume of Sri Jaina Siddhanta Bhavana Granthāpali is a valuable addition As ali eady started this is the beginning of the publication of catalogues of the MSS preserved in Sri Jain Siddhant Bhavan now Shri Deva Kumar Jain Oriental Library, Arrah It is likely to cover eight volumes each covering about 1000 MSS I am well aware that preparation and publication of such works require high industrious zeal, great