11 )
writer and is incomplete Two MSS (218, 222 ) are with exposition in Bhâså ( Hindi ) piose and poe ry by Dyanataráya and three are in Bhāsä poetry by Bhagavatidas. Ms No 223 dated 1721 VS, is with Sanskrit commentary in Prose Ms No. 229 is a Bhäså vacanka by Jayacanda These details could be seen at a glance as they are presented scientifically.
The Manuscripts recorded in the present volume have been broadly classified into following cleven heads : -
1 Purāna, Carita, Katha 2 Dharma, Darsana, Ācāra 3 Nyâyaśâstra 4 Vyakarana 5 Koša 6 Rasa. chanda, Alankāra & Kävya 7 Jyotışa 8 Mantra. Karmakända 9 Ayurveda 10 Stotra 11 Pūjā, Pātha-vidhana
1 to 155 156 to 453 454 to 480 481 to 492 493 to 501 502 to 531 532 to 550 551 to 588 589 to 600 601 to 800 801 to 997
The details have been presented in Roman scripts in Hindi Alphabetic order The classification is of general nature and help a common reader for consultation of the Catalogue. However, critical observations may deduct some MSS which do not fall under any of these eleven categories ( see MSS 295, 511, 512 ).
The Second part of the volume is entitled as Parśışta or Appendıx This part furnishes more details regarding the MSS recorded in the first part Along with the text of the opening and closing poitions of each Ms, colophons have been presen:ed in Devanagari script The text is presented as it is found in the MSS and the readers should not be confused or disheartened even if the text is currupt. The cross references of more than ten other works deserve special mention Only a well read and informed scholar could make such a difficult task possible with his high industry and love of labour