example of Somesvara I (1042-1068 AD who according to an inscription of Sravana Belgola is described as conferring the title of Sabdachaturmukha on a great Jaina teacher, Swami. This Somcsavara is called in the inscription Ahavamalla
The Chola Kings of the Tamil country have often been supposed to have opposed Jainism This is not true as many of the Chola inscriptions such as at Jina-Kanchi will go to show The learning of the Jaina Acharyas was appreciated and great Acharyas like Chandrakirti and Anavtviryavaman, were patronised The Jaina temples at Jina-Kanchi received lavish endowments and grants at the hands of the Chola Kings
Tribhuvanamalla Bijjala (1156-67 AD) the founder of the Kalachuri Dynasty, had the figure of a Tirthankara in all his grants and was a Jaina himself Later on he came under the evil influence of his minister Basava, the founder of the Lingayata sect When Basava found that Bijjala did not agree with him to persecute Jainas, he had the king murdered stealthily
The Hoysalas of Mysore were great Jainas Vinayaditya II (1047-1100 AD) the first historical person of this dynasty, owed his rise to power to a Jaina ascetic named Santideva Santaladev, the wife of Vishnuvardhana alias Bitti (1111-1141 AD) was a lay disciple of a Jaina teacher, Prabhachandra, while Vishnuvardhana's minister Gangaraja and Hulla, a minister of Narasimha I (1143-73 AD) are specifically