The present prakrit Dictionary Puratana Jain-Vakya-Suchi based on 64 standard works of the Digambar Jains in Prakrit and Apabhransh, is now presented to the public, the Hindi Introduction of which is full of lus valueble lesearches in Jain History, Literature and Philosophy. So I recommend the Puratana Tein-Vakya-Suchi and other works mentioned above to the scholars and libraries of India and to the Indological Departinents of the big foreign Universities, interested in Indian religion and philosophy.
The gratitude of the nation, specially of the Jains in India, is offered herewith to the illustrious scholar Jugal Kishoreji, whom we wish many more years of crentive activities in the propagation of 'Ahimsa', the only sovereign remedy of our world malady In A lecent note published by him in his Anekant, he bas stiongly supported the plan of establishing the Ahimsa Mandir in the capital of the India May that dream be icalized soon in this cHB6 of human huston and civilisation
17 Februari 1950