The truth vs. the Untruth
Know thee thy ails, thee is suffering from. Know thee thy problems, thee has to tackle. Know thee thy pains, that have baffled thee. Know thee thy diseases, which have marred thy life Could thee know them during the short span of life, possessed by thee? Is the last period of thy life, happy and peaceful?
Is it unhappy and unpeaceful, with Himalayas of worries and pains and restlessnesses ? Thy birth and babyhood was pleasant and sweet, where have you thrown them, how did you lose them?
Decidedly, you never possessed the knowledge, the true knowledge, knowledge to maintain them, you had possessed untrue, unreal knowledge which prevailed and was instrumental in thy acts and actions, fructifying into thy ails, problems, pains, diseases, unhappinesses and unpeacefulnesses, all of which were fruits of thy acts and actions in untrue knowledge during thy span of life which had to end in miseries and worries.
Ye-fellow-beings-know the true knowledge, the truth-acts and actions under its directions, would prevent thee from being thrown into any ails,
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