Passion Laws
Enactments and actions of Central as well as State Governments of the Country are daylight dacoities, performed under laws, enacted by their Parliaments, and which laws are embodiments of lawlessnesses, emerging from the rocket-way changing lawless-thoughts of the members of those Parliaments; thoughts changing from minute to minute in search of new ways to increase those dacoities (performed merely to intoxicate the luxuries of the numberlessly growing administrators) which are being made against all classes of citizens, and the poor masses of the country mainly-dacoities performed merely to intoxicate and send the administrator into the luxuries of unfaihomable depth of the Pacific; and these dacoit administrators are growing numberlessly in the country.
Would those attacked by the above words, nullify the words, which are based on eternal laufulnesses, unshakeable by the jungles of Parliamentary law's ?
The enactments of Parliaments in the country today have been instrumental in showering luxuries in all corners of the country and the Country today, is the SLAVE of luxuries which slave character is culminating into unrest and unpeacefulnesses all over the country:
Look, see, behold, conceive, perceive, consider and examine this conception of thought.
Tili 25-1-73
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