Pandya Lunkaran Jain Temple
Granth Bhandar
This Granth Bhardar is situated in Jaina Temple of Pandya : Lunkaran in THAKUR PACHEWAR JI KA RASTA, Chaukari Ram Chandra ji, Jaipur.
The total number of manuscripts and GUTKAS in the Bhandari is 807 and 225 respectively. Manuscripts are mainly in three languages. i.e. Sanskrit, Hindi and Prakrit. All the manuscripts are written on paper and there is no palm leaf manuscript in the collection.
The manuscript of PARMATMA PRAKASH is the earliest one. This was copied in Vikram Samvat 1407. The latest manuscript is NAMOKARA KATHA which was written in V, S. 1955. There are so many manuscripts in the collection which are illustrated. One of them the manuscript of YASODHAR CHARITA of Sakal Kirti which is profusely illustrated. The manuscript has 35 coloured pictures fully based on the story text. Except this all the manuscript which have roloured illustrations are related to the mantra shastra. The coloured pictures of Jwala Malini, Bhariava, Padmavati, Ganesh ji and Dharnendra "are very attractive.
The main subjects on which the manuscripts are available are both to religions and secular subjects. But main are Jyotisa, Ayurveda: aud Mantra Sastra. Manuscripts of Mahav-Nidhan, Yoga Chintamani, Vaidya-Mahotsava, Bhairava Padamavati Kalpa, Vidyanuvadh are also there.
The Granth Bhandar is completely systematic. One manuscript has been kept in one vesthana and the Granths has been placed in serial number. The catalogue of this Bhandar has been already published by “Digambar Jain Atisaya Ksetra Shri Mahavir Ji”.
The deatails of some of the Manuscripts of the Bhandar are as :-- . .