Jatti:Yashoda! Nandiji Temple Granth'Bhandar
[ 37
• No 6
Ref. No. 14 *VARDHAMAN-STOTRA Author .--ACHARYA'GUNBHADRA :Size ---41" x que Extent .-12 Folios Description---Country paper + thin, 'smooth and whitish; 'Devanagari
characters i in bold, : big, clear and good hand-writing; 'borders ruled in three lines; the condition of the manus
cript is 'satisfactory; it is a complete work written in Sanskrit. verse,
Date of ihe copy. ---Ashoj Sudi 8, iv. S 11:933 Subject ---STOTRA Ends. Efa ATAFSTANT. IF Themef că Emiratstaf I : Scriba): remarks::
पूर्णचंद्र सूरि द्वारा 'संशोधित, 'पुरोहित भागीरथ पल्लीवाल ब्राह्मण ने सवाई जयनगर (जयपुर) में पृथ्वीसिंह जी के शासन काल में प्रतिलिपि की थी। इस प्रति का जीर्णोद्धार सं० १८५५ फागण बुदि ३ में हुआ।
No. 7.
Ref, No. 188 YASHODHRA CHARITRA Author -SAKAL KIRTI Size -101" X 6
Extent -663 Folios ...Description ----Country paper, 'rough and greyish; Devanagri characters;
it is an illustrated manuscript; the condition of the manuscript on the whole is satisfactory; it is a completc.
:work. Date of the
Fairly old