Jatti Yashoda Nandji Temple
Granth Bhandar
The Granth Bhandar is situated in the Jaina Temple Jatti: Yashodanandji near LOKWANI PRESS, CHAURA RASTA, Jaipur,
There are 390 manuscripts in it. This number includes the.. GUTKADS also which are 4.5. The manuscripts are in Sanskrit, Prakrit, , Hindi and Rajasthani in the subjects like PURANA, PUJA, KATHA etc. They are in a satisfactory state of preservation and they have been arranged properly.
The details of some of the manuscripts are asNo. 1
Ref. No. 247 BIMBANIRVAN VIDHI Author of the Commentary-KASTOOR CHAND SHASTRI Size -8}"X63" Extent -36 Folios Description - Country paper, very thin, rough and greyish; devanagari
characters; borders ruled in two lines; red chalk used; the condition of the manuscript is satisfactory; it is a complete
manuscript; written in Hindi, Date of the copy
Fairly old Subicct -ART No. ?
Ref. No. 25 GYANARNAVA Author --SHUBHA CHANDRACHARYA Size -10" X 51" Extent -97 Folios. Description --Country paper, thin, smooth and grey; Devanagari chara:
cters in big, bold and good hand-writirig; the borders ruled
in four lines; it is a complete tranuscript, written in :