Baba Dulichand, Bada Mandir
Granth Bhandar
This Granth Bhandar af forms it harulc unit of ik II sds Mandir, situated in the GHEEWALAN KA RASTA, 11.18 119 eximple in the collection of manuscripts by rengle fond. Shri Bana Dulichand who was himself a writer and collector » manuscripts. He travelled krcati... out our land. During the course of his travel sh« JAINA SR SVAKAS : presented to him manuscripis. As i result of this equiere a lupt. .. collection of the manuscripts, numbering 350, cating on riivaus on: sccular subjects had been collected. This vilgatste collcetion de prescricu . in this temple. Thus the Blandat contains many a file york klonim to Sanskrit and Hindi literature and to the Jains as well molaina systems of thought and interest. Among the Manuscripis alte 1333tuscripts of the commentary of VADDHAMANA KAVYA. the HIARIVASSA PURANA U PRADYUMNA CHARITRA are worthy of 1014, The details of other manuscripts are as No. 1
AGAMVILAS Author -DHANATRAI Size --101" X 611 Extent ----73 Folios Description --Country paper, rough and very thin and croyish; Devi.
nagari characters in small and legible hand-writing: - borders ruicd in four lines; red chalk used; the condition of thc manuscript is satisfactory; ine work is complctc;...
language- Hindi verse. Date of the Original -V.S. 1783 Date of the Copy -V.S. 1928 Subject DHARMA