Jain Granth Bhandars In Jaipur & Nagour
No. 8
--10" x 5" Extent -112 Folios Description --Country paper, rough and grey; Devanagari characters in ..
bold big and clear hand; cdgcs ruled in two lines; it is in a good state of preservation; the manuscript is complet,
written in Sanskrit. Date of the Copy
-V.S. 1877 Subject - AYURVEDA Scribal remarks :
संवत् १७५६ वैशाख सुदी ५ वार चन्द्रवासरे व शाके १६२३ पातिशाह जी नौरंगवजी महाराजाजी श्री जयसिंह राज्य हाकिम फोज़दार खानअबदुल्लाखां जी के नायब रूप्लमखां स्याही जी श्री स्याहयालम जी की तरफ मियां साहब जी अब्दुल फतेजी का राज्य श्रीमस्तु कल्याणक । सं० १८७७ शाके १७४२ प्रदत्तमाने कार्तिक १२ गुरुवार लिखितं . मिश्रलाल जी कस्य पुत्र रामनारायणे पठनार्थं । । ।
... Ref. No. 1997 VARDHAMAN VIDYAKALPA Author -SINGH TILAK. Size -10x41". Extent ---6 to 26 Folios ... :: Description ---Country paper thin and greyish; Devanagari Characters
in bold, big, legible and elegant hand-writing; borders and edges ruled in two lines; yellow pigment used; Fols. No. 1 to 5, 7, 10, 15, 16, 19 to 21 are missing; the condition of the manuscript is not satisfactory; it is an incomplete
manuscript, written in Sanskrit and Hindi. . Date of the Copy -V.S. 1495 . . Subject --MANTRA SHASTRA Ends --इति वर्द्धमान विद्याकल्पस्तृतीयाधिकारः ॥ ग्रन्थाग्रन्थ १७५ अक्षर १६, सं०
१४६५ वर्षे सगरकूप शालायां परिणहल्ल पाटकपर पर्याये श्री मत्तनम-: हानगरेऽलेखि।