Jain Granth Bhandars In Jaipur & Nagaur
No. 12
RefNo. 3127/A RAMAGYA Author --TULSIDASA Size
-8?" X 62" Extent - Folios, 14 'lines per page, 29 lettersi per line. Description --Country paper, thin, rough and some what whitish; Dev.
anägari characters in bold, big, clear, uniform and good hand-writing; red chalk and yellow pigment used; borders ruled in two lines; the manuscript is written in Hindi; it is a complete work; the condition of the manuscript is
very good Date of the Copy
Not Modern Subject --RAMA KATHA Begins -श्री गणेशायनमः । अथ गुसांई तुलसीदास कृत राम प्राज्ञा लिख्यते ।
दोहा-बांणि विनय वर विगरहरमारमेश
समरिकरन्जसबंकाज शुभ मंगल देश विदेश ।।१।। Ends -ह यहां के फिर दषिण दिसि हेरि हेरि हि हिनात ।
भये निषाद विस्वादवास अवंधिषामु हि जात ॥४॥ सं चित सोच व्याकुल सुनत प्रसगुन अवासि प्रवेस ॥ समाप्त ।।
No. 13
12" x 6" Extent --188 Folios, 15 lines per page, 45 letters per line. . Description Counrty paper, rough and gre'ý; Devanagari characters":
in small, clear and good hand-writing; borders ruled in : three lines and edges ruled in two lines in red ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used; the condition of the work .
is l'air; it is a complete work, written in Sanskrit. Date of the Original ...Sravan Sudi 13, Wednesday, V.S. 1656