tion to solve the difficul:ies? Ves. It has enjoined its Howers lo practise the following twelve vratas or Vov
. 1. Ahimsa-Abstinence from injury. 2. Satya-Truthfulness. 3. Astey; -Abstinence from stealing. 4. Brahmacharya-Chastity. ). Parizraha parimana-Limiting the possession 1). Dizvraté-Taking a life-long vow to limit world
aclivity upto certain boundaries in all the fer
directions. 1. Desh ivrate -Taking a yow to limit work
activity for a shorter period of time. 8. Anarthadanda vrata-]aking
nadanda vrata-Taking a vow not to
nit sins like speaking ill of others, preaching of siulul deeds, giving objects of
reading or hearing bad books. 9. Samayika-Ccntemplating on the self
hours every day. 10. Preshadhopavas: -Fasting on four days "
inont, on the 8:h and the 14ch of the bm
half and the dark half of every month. 11. Bhoga Ufablioga-parimana-Limiting the
of things which can be enjoyed only once lik food, drink etc, and of things which can enjoyed again and again such as dress, cushion
umbrella etc. 12.
Arithi-samvibhaga. Taking a vow to feed an ascetico
house-holder or an attlic
giving objects of offence
iting on the self at fixed
of things whichogé-parima every month."
HmLimiting the use
ings which can be