( 32 ) according to its own karmas and it must be allowed to work out its own salvation. If possible we can help other living beings but in no way hinder them. Man is under the impression that he is the lord of the Creation and hence does not hesitate to destroy life indiscriminately. Himsa is generally commíited for the following purposes : 1. For the sake of focd, 2. For sport or fun. 3, For fashion, 4. For propitiating deities.
1. Killing for the sake of food : The structure of the body of man, his teeth and his digestive organs clearly show that man is a frugivorous animal and not a carnivorous one. Even from the point of view of health, vigour, strength and power of endurance the vegetarian diet is considered to be far superior to meat diet. So killing for the sake of food is unnecessary and unwarranted.
2. Killing for sport or fun : Some people take delight in shooting not only wild animals but also harmless and innocent animals and birds. If the hunters imagine themselves to be in the place of the hunted ones and reflect seriously on what they are doing they will come to know the miserable condition of the innocent victims. There are several instances of people who, on seeing the agony of the animals they had shor had to shed tears and swear not to hurt any more any living being nor to taste flesh diet. The lives of the Duchess of Hamilton of England and of Thoreau of America may be read for further elucidation on the point.