of cutaneous sensation into eight varieties is in keeping with modern scientific achievement. That plants live, take and assimilate food, breathe and are amenable to the sense of touch are now proved and scientifically established by the great Indian scientist Dr. Bose. Sound is not a product of Akasa but is produced only when molecules strike against one another. This view is held by the modern science also. The function of Adharma Dravya corresponds to Newton's theory of gravitation and Newton's distinction between relative and absolute time is also similar to the Jaina view. Like the Jainas the European Mathematicians also accept the reality of Time and Space.
Jainism and Ahimsa Ahimsa is the corner stone of Jaina Ethics. Ahimsa is the negation of Himsa. What is Himsa | Srimad Umaswami says AOTTIETYSTTTITUT FEHT Hurting any of the vitalities of a living being through the passions of anger, pride, deceipt and greed is Himsa or injury When we harbour an evil thought against any living being, we first commit hinzsa to ourselves. When we speak a harsh word or do a cruel deed we do injury to others and to ourselves also. The greatest help that we can easily do to other lives is not to hurt them or kill them, since no living being desires pain or death. All the living beings are intrinsically equal and are sacred in as much as every one of them however minute it might be is potentially divine. In this con-,