( 28 ) according to which the liva becomes pure and perfect and does not lose its Satbhava, substantial reality, is contrary to the Buddhist view of Nirvana as the annihilation of the sell. The atomic structure of the universe is accepted not only by the Jainas but also by the Nyaya and the Vaisheshika schools.
Jainism and Western Thought. Jainism is a dynamic realism and it will be interesting to note that some of its doctrines are similar to the view's I eld by the philosophers in the west, especially those belonging to the. Realistic School. The Jaina conception of Dravya, Guna and Paryaya (substance, qualities and modifications) is approximately similar to Spinoza's view of substance, attributes and modes Spinoza uses the term "attribute with a technical meaning but in Jaina netaphysics it means qualities. Hegel had a conception of reality similar to the Jaina conception of Dravya, Satta and Dravya are one and the same as Hegel maintained. Thingin-itself and experience are not absolutely distinct Dravyas refer to facts of experience and Satta refers to existence or reality. The French philosopher Bergson also recognised substance as a permanent thing existing through change. Darshana and Inana (perception and knowledge) may be said to be analogous to Kant's conception of sensibility and understanding. Space and Time are real entities according to Jainism. Time hclps to produce changes in substances.. Bergson -