( 22 ) 3. In some respects X is and in some other rese
pecis X is not. In this picposition we are speaking of a thing in its two aspects which are inherent in and expressive of the thing. As il eie is no predicate which can express dlese two aspects conjointly, we are unable to describe the thing. His fact is expressed in the fourth mode cf predication
4. In some respects X is indescribable.
Ve may qual fy this proposition by each of the first three predicates. Then we will have the last three modes of predication which are
5. In some respects X is, though indescribable. 6. In some respects Xis not, though indescribable. 7. In some respects X is and in some other res
pects X is not though indescribable. In Sanskrit these seven modes of predication are called
1. Syadasti 2. Syamasti 3. Syadastinasti Cha 4. Syadavaktavya 5. Syadasti avaktavya 6. Syaunasti avaktavya 7 Syadastinasti avaktavya