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etc., used to indicate one and the same object e. go the words, dara (masculine), bharya (feminine) and kalatra (neuter) having different meanings due to differences in gender refer to wife.
6. Samabhirudh-Naya refers to synonyms which though interpreted may refer to the same identical thing. It is the differentiation of terms according to their roots e. g. the terms 'Indra', 'Shakra' and 'Purandara' imply respectively the prosperous' 'the powerlul' and 'the destroyer of the cities of enemies' but refer to one and the same person.
7. Evambhuta-Naya refers to a particular action or capacity of a thing, at the time of speaking cog. the term 'gau' (cow) means an animal in motion when the cow is actually going at that time.
Of these seven Nayas, the first four are called Artha Nayas as they deal with objects of knowledge and the remaining three are called Shabda Nayas in as much as they are concerned with the terms and their meanings. According to another classification the first three come under Dravya Naya (the substantive aspect) and the other four come under Paryaya Naya (the aspect of change or modification).
IV. Syadvada or Saptabhangi (seven modes of predication) is the crown of Jaina Logic. The Jainas understood the coniplex. nature of reality The truth