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PAGE 35 LINE 1 The substance of Time It has the characteristics of ad or continuity. It is the determining cause of changes in substances. It does not cause the changes but only assists the changes to be produced. Time is of two kinds. परमार्थं काल (absolute time ) and व्यवहार काल (relatiye time). Vyavahara Kala is that which helps to produce changes in substances and which is known from modifications produced in substances. The points of time (), like heaps of jewels, exist one by one in each pradesha of Lokakasa. These Kalanus (instants of time) do not have the qualities associated with physical objects. The time series formed by instants is mono-dimentional in the language of the Mathematicians. That is why Time is denied Kayatva by the Jaina Philosophers. Time which is so constituted by Instants is called परमार्थ काल.
(mind) is of two kinds
and, 1947. Dravya Mana is physical and material in character, while Bhaya Mana, is identical with knowledge which is the characteristic of Atma.
Asrava is defined as the flowing in of the karmic particles into the soul. It is of two kinds, भावास्रव and द्रव्यासव Bhavasrava refer to the virtuous or vicious feeling of the soul. Dravy asrava refers to the actual karmic particles flowing into the soul.
42 LINE 5. बन्घतस्वम् That consulatit state by which Karma is bound with the soul is called #14