found to differ froni Shankara's ideal of Nirguna Brahman. But Ramanuja is one with the Jaina systeni in his conception of God with infinite qualities. There is no coming back of the Paramatma (Liberated Soul) to the mundane world again because a Perfect Being cannot become imperfect and hence the theory of Avatar according to which God is said to be born in flesh and blood is not accepted by the Jainas. Existence in Moksha or Nirvana has a beginining but no end, whereas the mundane existence of the imperfect soul has no beginining but can have an end.
Moksha Marga : The Way to Liberation
The way to Moksha is said to consist of Right Faith, Right Knowledge and Right Conduct. Right Faith is the undoubted faith in the nature of the seven Tattvas which are 1, Soul, 2. Non-soul, 3. Astava (the way by which karmas flow into the soul), 4. Bandha (bondage of the soul with karmas), 5. Samvara (stopping of the inflow of the karmas), 6. Nirjara (the destruction of karmas) and 7. Mokslia (freedom from all karmas). Right knowledge is the correct un derstanding of the nature of these Tattvas and Right Conduct is defined as living according to the rules of conduct laid down in the sacred books. The rules of conduct are of two kinds, (1) those prescirbed for the laymen and (2) those prescribed for the ascetics. .