6. It is the enjoyer of the fruits of éts own karmas.
7. It is of the same size as the body it occupies. 8. It is incorporeal being spiritual by nature.
9. During his mundane existence he is always associated with karmas,
Samsari Jivas (mundane souls) are of two kinds, Sthavara (fixed) and Trasa (moving). Jivas living in earth, water, air, fire and plants have the sense of touch only. Vorms, oysters, conches etc., have two senses, touch and taste. Ants, bugs, lice etc., have three senses, touch, taste and smell. Flies, bees, mosquitoes possess four senses, touch, taste, smell and sight. Men, birds, animals possess five senses vizo touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing. But men have well developed consciousness and hence they are called five sensed beings with mind. The Jaina conception that Jivas are potentially divine ant are found in different states of existence is echoed in the following lines of the Sufi Mystico
"God sleeps in the minerals Dreams in the vegetables Wakes to consciousness in animals To self consciousness in man And to God consciousi ess in Man made