( 9 )
32-33. Harivaṁśa-puräņa of Jinasena I: This is the Jaina recension of the Krsna legend. These two volumes are very useful to those interested in Indian epics. It was composed in A. D. 783 by Jinasena of the Punnata-samgha. There is a Hindi Introduction by PT. PREMIJI. Edited by PT. DARBARILAL, Bombay 1930, vol. i and ii, pp. 48-12-806, Price Rs. 3/8/-.
34. Nitiväkyämṛtam, a supplement to No. 22 above. This gives the missing portion of the Sanskrit commentary, Bombay Samvat 1989, Crown pp. 4-76, Price As. 4/-.
35. Jambüsvāmi-caritam and Adhyātma-kamalamärtanḍa of Rajamalla. See No. 26 above. Edited with an Introduction in Hindi by Pr. JAGADISHCHANDRA, M. A., Bombay Samvat 1993, Crown pp. 18-264-4, Price Rs 1/8/.
Trişaşti-smrti-śästra of Asadhara : Sanskrit text and Marathi rendering. Edited by PT. MOTILAL HIRACHANDA, Bombay 1937, Crown pp. 2-8-166, Price As. 8/-.
37. Mahāpurāņa of Puspadanta, Vol. I Ādipurāņa (Samdhis 1-37): A Jaina Epic in Apabhramsa of the 10th century A. D. Apabhramsa Text, Variants, explanatory Notes of Prabhacandra. A model edition of an Apabhramsa text, Critically edited with an Introduction and Notes in English by DR. P. L. VAIDYA, M. A., D. Litt., Bombay 1937, Royal 8vo pp. 42-672, Price Rs. 10/-.