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four small works
Laghiyastraya-ādi-saṁgrahaḥ : This vol. contains 1) Laghiyastrayam of Akalankadeva (c 7th century A. D.), a small Prakarana dealing with pramāna, naya and pravacana. Akalaňka is an eminent logician who deserves to be remembered along with Dharmakirti and others. His works are very important for a student of Indian logic. Here the text is presented with the Sk. commentary of Abhayacandrasüri. 2) Soarüpasambodhana attributed to Akalanka, a short yet brilliant exposition of atman in 25 3-4) Laghu-Sarvajña-siddhth and Bṛhat-Sarvajñasiddhıh of Anantakīrti. These two texts discuss the Jaina doctrine of Sarvajñata. Edited with some introductory notes in Sk. on Akalanka, Abhayacandra and Anantakirti by PT. KALLAPPA BHARAMAPPA NITAVE, Bombay Samvata 1972, Crown pp. 8-204, Price As. 6/-.
#2. Sägära-dharmāmṛtam of Asadhara: Asadhara is a voluminous writer of the 13th century A. D., with many Sanskrit works on different subjects to his credit. This is the first part of his Dharmāmṛta with his own commentary in Sk. dealing with the duties of a layman. PT. NATHURAM PREMI, adds an introductory note Asadhara and his works. Ed. by PT. MANOHARLAL, Bombay Samvat 1972, Crown pp. 8-246, Price As, 8/-.