therefore, the objective colour of grass is not merely green. But, because in grass, there is a majority of atoms possessiog green colour, we see it as grees. Actually there is not at all much difference in the Jain view and the real scientific view for both of them assert the same fact viz. "The colour is essentially contained in the structure of object itself".. Merging the two views, we can say that the absorption of wave lengths by the object depends upon the structure of the object- The natural objective colours of the atoms constituting the object.
8. Stractare of Electron :
As we have already seen, Eddington does accept the rcal objective existence of the electron. But how an electron, devoid of all the physical properties can exist objectively, is not made clear by him. Probably, Eddington considers the mass and the electric charge as the objective properties of an electron, and colour etc, as its subjective qualities. Now, the Jain Metaphysics maintains that the quality of touch, which is an objective property of atom, is eight-fold, there being four pairs of opposite touches. Out of them, the pair of Crukshtava' and 'snigdhatva' which should mean positive and negative electric charges, and the pair of sitatva' and 'usnat va' which should correspond to the objective causes of the phenomenon of temperature of the atom, are fundamental, while the remaining two pairs, one of Gurutva' and 'Laghutva' corresponding to 'mass' and the other of 'mridutva' and 'kathotrava' literally meaning 'softness' and 'hardness' are secondary. The ultimate atom in its separate form must possess two touches one out of the each of the first two pairs. Thus, electric charge which seems to be accepted by Eddington as an objective property of electron is, in fact, one of the fundamental objective touches, described by Jain Metaphysics. Also the mass though a secondary touch is considered to be one of the objective qualities of matter." 1. It has been recently shown by the British Scientist Dr.
Fred Hoyle and the young Indian Scientist Dr. Narlikar that want is not the fundamental property of matter.