Concions-Objective Physical-Subjective
Eddington denies the objectivity of the physical world, considering consciousness as the only objective reality. He has expressed this thus-"Our Philosophy has led to the view that in so far as we can separate the subjective and objective elements in our experience, the subjective is to be identified with the physical and the objective with the conscious and spiritual aspects of experience.1"
4. Scientific Knowledge-Wholly Subjective.
Because in Eddington's view the objective reality is different from the physical world, he contends that Physics can never know it. He, therefore, concludes, "The fundamental laws and constants of Physics are wholly subjective, being the mark of the observer's sensory and intellectual equipment on the knowledge obtained through such equipment; for we could not have this kind of a priori knowledge of laws governing an objective universe."
B. Jain Philosophy
1. Metaphysics :
In Jain Metaphysics, the following five substances are considered to be the ultimate realities constituting the universe :
(i) Dharmastikaya-Medium of motion (ii) Adharmastikaya (iii) Akasastikaya-Space (iv) Pudgalastikaya-Matter (v) Jivastikaya-Soul,
1. The Philosophy of Physical Science p. 184 2. The Philosophy of Physical Science, p. 104 Kaia ie. time is considered to be a substance same it not an ultimate objective reality,