day. The cowbord felt that this was due to some God on the spot. He got together some men and started digging the spot. After tbe digging proceeded for some time, a voice came from below; "Slowly I Slowly! The apade therefore worked carefully and it was found that It had toucbed tho Image, and bat for the supernatural warding the Image would bave been injured. Tbe deligh. ted cowberds carefully seperated tbo Image from its eartbly prison, #opdered at it and worshipped it.
When the nows got abroad and Jainas found it to be an image of their Lord Mabavira tbey came and tried to obift the image but about 900 chariots broke under it and when they got voluntary consent of the cowberd and be touched the reins only then they succeeded in moving it first to a modest tomple.
His Highneso the Mabarajs of Bbaratpar son. tenced bie troasurer to be shot doad vith a gun. The treasurer was perhaps innocent and in his bope. logedoes, be invoked the assistance of the image powing that be would dedicate Rs. 5:1,000 if he escaped death from tbe gon. Tbe next morning wben the man was to be shot, gan was fired at bim, but it would not go. The man was barod. The matter being reported to the Mabaraja, he ordered that the treasurer should be shot next day. The treasurer fearing to lose his life which he believed to bave been saved by Lord Mahavira in this miraculous mander, again passed his whole time in weep. ing and applioating to the Lord to save him again and be wldo vowed to increase his votive offering of the proceeding day from Rs. 50,000 to Re, 75,000. The next day alac