JAINISM IS SOLUTION OF MANKIND. Dr. Louis Renou Prof. Sorbonne University, Paris (France).
"What is the use of creating new religious movements, when JAINISM COULD OFFER THE SOLUTION REQUIRED FOR THE NEEDS OF SUFFERING MAN-KIND. It has the advantage of possessing an ancient and vener. able tradition. It is the first amongst the world religions, which proclaimed Abinss as the main criterion of Moral life.”
--World Problems and Jainism (Intro) P.1.
Solution of Brutal force. Prof. Albert Eintein
Brutal force cannot be met successfully for any length of time with similar brutal force, but only with Hon.co operation towards those who have undertoken to use brutal force.
Jein Voluable Literature. Sir Vincent A. Smith
The Jain possess and sedulously guard extensive Libraries full of valuable material as yet very imperfected explored and their books are specially rick on historical and aemi. historical matters. war Jain Encyclopaedia
Pol I P. 27.
-Mahavir Commemora.
lion Vol 1, P. 3.
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