Mahavira's Religion Uncriticisable Dr. G. Tucci M.A., Ph. D. Prof. University of Rome.
No echolar, I think will deny, that Jainism is one of the greatest and most important, creations of Indian mind, still surviving after centuries of gloring life. There is no branch of Indian civili. zation or literature or philosophy on which the deeper study of Jainism
will not throw light. It is impossible to al sound scholar, interested in the bistory of Indian logic to ignore Jain logio, which deserves the largest attention and most deligent researches.
The literature of overy belief can be discussed and scrutinized by scholars, but the living essence of Mahavira's doctrine shall remain in-touched by any criticism, GREAT SAVIOUR LORD MAHAVIRA
Prof. Dr. U.S. Tapk. Lord Mahavira, the great saviour of the world had handsome and symmetrical body and magnetic persunality with heroio courage and perderverance.
He had cast off the bonds of igncrance. Illumination had come upon Him and he became 'master' as Theosophist would say, ..
104. Vol. II. P. 67-70.