[Vol. IV
Bhadrabahu and Chandra Gupta, was the true Jaina faith, with clear references to that ancestral migration which some scholars refer to fourth century B.C, that make this high antiquity of Sravana Belgola stand undisputed Here-below are a few extracts bearing on this view:(1) " Bhadrabāhu-sa-Chandra Gupta-Munindra yugmadin-noppeval
Bhadramāgıda dharman valie vand inipal kulo ..... ..... ..... Vidrumādhare Santisēna munisã nākki êchel-go . X
Adn-mel asanddi vittu punarbhavakk ir .. ... gi || Trans-"Saying, to be in accord with the pair sree Bhadrabahu
together with the great muni Chandra Gupta, is the true faith :--after coming here, and being gratified the... ..of her race, the coral-lipped wife of Santisena munisa, Echel go-(ravi), on the top of the mountain, forsaking all food,
attained to the state of not being born again." And, likewise, the earliest persons who resorted to this Hill did 80 not to worship but to become 'pure spirits' relieved from and exalted above Samasārachakra, the wheel of life, the cycle of births and deaths, specially by the aweful baptism of Sallekhana," the fast unto death," to enter upon the final pilgrimage or Mahaprasthana, to take to the final smadhi of one's life. What is called 'Renunciation at the time of danger' or 'atura sanyâsa' is a feature common to various forms or schools of what is called 'Hinduism'or Vaidikasamaya but it is found only in Jainism in its most awe.inspiring form as Sallékhana. That it is a form of life-renunciation' or more properly 'dêhatyaga' giving up the body' is even enjoined by the Jaina sastras, is also brought out in one of the epigraphs on this Hill thus:
Chûrni tēna srimad-Ajitasēna-pandıta-deva-devya sri-pada
kamala-madhukarîbhata-bhāvinā mahanubhavêna Jaināgamaprasiddha-sallêkhanā vidhi Visrjyamāna dehêna samādhividhi-vilokanochita-karana-kutahala milita-sakala sangha samtôsha-nimittam átmāntahkarana parinatı prakasajāya nirvadyam padyamidamāsu virachitam (No. 54, dated 1128 A. C.)