I Vol. V
in a kind of Sanskrit prose at once literary, rcalistic, aweful and picturesque. The original passage stands thus
Arshenaiva Janapadam-aneka grūmasata-samkhya-mudita-janaghana-kanaka-sasyago-mahishūjavikala-samākırnam priptavān atah ācharyyah Prabhāchandrēnāmavani-tala-lalāmabhute-athismin katavapra-nāmaköpalashitë-vividha-taru-vana-kusuma-dalāvalı-vikachanasabala-vipula-sajala-jalada., . vyūla-mriga kulopachitopatyaka kandara darimaha-guhāgahanā-bhögavati samuttunga sringa sıkharini jivitasesham alpatra kalam avabudhyūdhavnah suchakitah tapassamădhim ärādhayitum apricchya niravasëshena samgham visrijya sishyenaikëna pnthulakāstiarnna talasusilāsu sîtalāsu svadeham-sannyasyarādhitavān.' Lewis Rice translates it thus :
"And the nshi company arrived at a country counting many hundreds of villages, completely filled with the increase of people, money, gold, grain, cows, buffaloes and goats Whereupon. at a mountain with lofty peaks, whose name was Katavapra--an ornament to the earth; the ground around which was variegated with the brilliant hues of the clusters of grey flowers fallen from the beautiful trees; the rocks on which were dark as the great rain clouds filled with water ; abounding with wild boars, panthers, tigers, bears, hyaenas, serpants and deer ; fitted with caves, caverns, large ravines and forests: the acharı, with Prabhachandra also, perceiving that but little time remained for him to live and fearing on account of the road (journey), announced his intention to do the penance before death, and having dismissed the entire sangha, with one single disciple, worshipping, on cold stones covered with grass, quitted his body,"*
आर्षेणैव जनपदमनेकपामशतसंख्यमुदितजनघनकनकसस्यगोमहिषाजाविकलसमाकीपणेम् प्राप्तवान् अतः आचार्यः प्रमाचन्द्रणामवनितलललामभूतेऽथास्मिन कटवप्रनामकापलक्षिते विविधतरुवनकुसुमदलावलीविकचनसबलविपुलसजलजलदनिवहनीलोत्पलतले .. ज्यालमृगकुलोपवितोपत्यककंदरदरीमहागुहागहनाभोगवति समुत्तंगगे शिखरिणि जीवितशेषम् अल्पतरकालम् अवबुद्ध्याध्वनः सुचकितः तपस्समाधिमाराधयितुम् आपृच्छ्य निरवशेषेण संघ विसज्य शिष्येणैकेन पृथुलकास्तीर्णतलासु शिलासु शीतलासु स्वदेहं सन्न्यस्याराधितवान् ।